Saturday, 6 August 2011


Now this subject is something that is a cause of fear for a big lot of people, most of them don't know what's going to happen, others create fancy stories about what might happen about death, and others ofcourse, depend on religion to give them the answers to their questions regarding death.

You have to remember that the lie is a well developed mechanism, it has to survive so it hates the idea of death, the idea that there will be a time when there will be absolutely nothing, nothing at all, and that shit scares you, scares the lie, you are afraid of death, you are afraid of truth.

You might be wondering how come I am relating death with truth, well because of the simple fact that death is a symbol for non-existence, and non-existence means the same with you, so in other words, you are afraid of death, because you are afraid of the truth, and that truth is that you don't exist.

It's not only about death mind you, it's not the only thing you are afraid of, you are afraid of many things also, but death is a major thing you tend to avoid, you hate looking it in the eye, because actually looking at it in the eye would mean the end of you, there is no you, you never existed, it's that realisation, and death reminds you that there is no such thing as a you living.

Actually death reminds us that nobody really is alive, there is just life, but no actual people that live, death is truth, because if you look at it, there is just life living, and nobody is alive to experience it.

There is just the experience in the sense that everything happens on its own, life exists, life is existant now, but there is nothing that is outside of it, whatever would be thought of as outside of life is non-existant.

Death is scary because it's the death of an idea you've hold on to so long in your life, you are afraid to face the fact that there is nothing there, there is nothing inside experiencing what is outside, there is nothing behind the experience experiencing it, it's all been imagination.

Seperation from life is impossible.

You cannot exist.

And you were never alive in order to die, you never existed at all.

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